The Enhanced UI Plugin for unreal engine contains a powerful canvas panel that will help you easily draw LineGrids.
Line Grids are usually used in popular media editing applications / tools like the Sequencer in Unreal Engine, or a Piano Roll in your favourite DAW. Its If you need an infinite grid system to edit media or something similar; This is it. You can watch the video above and continue with article…
Demo Content Folder

Once you have the Enhanced UI plugin installed in unreal engine, You want to make sure the Content Browser’s filter has “Show Plugin Content” and “Show Engine Content” ticked. The Navigate to the the path in the image above to find the Demo content for the LineGrid Systems
Infinite, Scrollable and Zoomable Line Grids Demo Map

If you want to try a demo map that shows how this LineGrid System is scrolled , zoomed and can be virtually infite, Open the Demo Map At the path
You can find the blueprints that power this demo under
These Blueprints use the SmartSlider Widget for driving Zoom/Scroll from user input, and use the LineGridCanvas for drawing the line grid.