UE5 Pointer To Delegate As Class Variable

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You Cannot Set A Member Variable As A Pointer To A Delegate

Almost all the time, you want a reference to unreal engine delegates, not a copy. At this point you may have tried and attempted to do something like:


FSomeDelegate* delegatePtr;


FSomeDelegate& delegateRef;


This will not work and Visual Studio will have warned you even before building or as building errors. Specifically for the Pointer type, You may get the error: 


cannot have an exposed pointer to this type.


and for the reference method , you may get a build error saying something along the lines of: 


references must be initialized.


That is because in c++ a reference needs to be set at declaration.

The Workaround

A solution that often works is to get a pointer to the UObject* that contains the unreal engine delegate. The downside is you will need to go through this UObject* to access the delegate every time in code but it’s a small tradeoff. Here is an example of calling the Broadcast function through the UObject.



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