MIDI Engine Devices For Ableton Live
The MidiEngine Devices For Ableton Live V1.1
Export your Ableton Live Set MIDI composition as a multi track json and send out live MIDI events through OSC to external applications from
These are m4l devices that you install to Ableton Live in order to export Ableton Live projects to other applications.There are 2 devices.

Ableton 11 and Up.
Ableton Live Suite OR Standard+Max4life Addon.
Before you buy:
These devices are provided for FREE with your copy of MIDI Engine 3.
If you are not using MIDI Engine and you would still like to get a copy of the devices, you can purchase them below.
Buy the standalone devices
How to install The MidiEngine Devices for Ableton Live
Copy the .zip file and extract it in your Ableton Live User Library.
Exports your ableton live song arrangement as a Multi Track MIDI / JSON format that external applications like can import/read them in. For example the MIDI Engine plugin for Unreal Engine 5 can read in the exported .mejson format.
This was exported from Ableton Live and its a simple JSON file that can be read by web apps or your own custom desktop application.
The format contains Tracks and their MIDI notes and note properties.
How to use LiveMeJsonExporter device
This device can be added to ANY MIDI track from the Session view, and it will export the entire Song Arrangement in the “Arragement View” when you click the “Export As MeJson” button. You just need to choose a save location from there.
Send MIDI from Ableton Live to Unreal Engine during Live Performance and listen to them from unreal engine through the MidiEngine OSC listener. This device helps power your music visuals using unreal engine.
How to use LiveMeOSCRouter device
Add The Midi Engine OSC Router, set the IP and Port and then listen to the OSC Messages from wherever. For example, The OSC listener for unreal engine, by the midi engine plugin, listens to these messages.
Message is in the format:
The address of the OSC Message is
Followed by the message:
Example Message: